7 Mukhi Rudraksh ki mala (7 मुखी रुद्राक्ष की माला) Abhimantrit


The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala is made from beads of the 7-faced Rudraksha seed, renowned for its spiritual significance and divine attributes. Each bead represents one of the seven energies of the ruling deity, Mahalaxmi. Abhimantrit or energized through sacred rituals, this mala is believed to enhance the wearer’s spiritual growth, providing protection, prosperity, and inner balance.

Traditionally used in meditation, chanting, and spiritual practices, the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala helps in purifying the mind, body, and soul, fostering a deeper connection with the divine. Its vibrations are said to harmonize the chakras, promoting overall well-being and inner peace.

To use, one can hold the mala during meditation or wear it around the neck as a sacred accessory. With regular use, it is believed to bring blessings, abundance, and spiritual awakening to the wearer, guiding them on their spiritual journey.

What is 7 Mukhi Rudraksh Mala?

A 7 Mukhi Rudraksh mala is a rosary or string of beads made from Rudraksh seeds, each possessing seven natural lines or facets on its surface. Rudraksh seeds are sacred to Hinduism and are believed to be imbued with spiritual and healing properties. This  rudraksh is associated with Lord Shiva and represents his seven forms or energies.

The mala is used for meditation, prayer, and spiritual practices. It is believed that reciting mantras while holding or counting the beads of the mala can enhance spiritual growth, mental clarity, and inner peace. The 7 mukhi Rudraksha mala is worn around the neck or wrist, or held during meditation sessions.

Each bead of the mala is considered to carry the blessings and protective energies of Lord Shiva, promoting well-being, protection from negative influences, and alignment of the chakras or energy centers in the body. Overall, the 7 mukhi Rudraksha mala is revered for its spiritual significance and believed benefits in Hindu tradition.

Abhimantrit 7 Mukhi Rudraksh Mala:

The 7 Mukhi Abhimantrit Rudraksh Mala is a specially energized version of the traditional 7 Mukhi Mala. It undergoes a sacred ritual known as “abhimantran,” where mantras and prayers are chanted by spiritual practitioners to infuse divine energy into the mala. This process enhances the spiritual potency of the mala, making it more effective for meditation and spiritual practices.

How to Use:

  1. Wearing: Wear the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala around the neck or wrist to experience its spiritual benefits throughout the day.
  2. Japa (Chanting): Use the mala for Japa meditation by reciting a chosen mantra while counting each bead with your fingers.
  3. Meditation: Hold the mala during meditation sessions to enhance focus, spiritual connection, and inner peace.

Mantras to Use with Rudraksha Mala:

  • “Om Namah Shivaya”: A powerful mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva, invoking his blessings and divine grace.
  • “Om Hreem Namah”: This mantra is associated with Goddess Mahalakshmi and is chanted for wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
  • “Om Hum Namah”: Chant this mantra to invoke the protective energies of Lord Hanuman and overcome obstacles in life.


  1. Balancing Energy: The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to balance the seven chakras, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  2. Spiritual Connection: Wearing or using the Rudraksha Mala can deepen one’s spiritual practice, enhancing meditation, prayer, and connection with the divine.
  3. Protection: Rudraksha beads are revered for their protective properties, shielding the wearer from negative energies and influences.
  4. Harmony: The energy of the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is said to foster harmony, positivity, and inner peace in the wearer’s life.
  5. Health Benefits: Some believe that wearing the Rudraksha Mala can have therapeutic effects, alleviating stress, anxiety, and promoting overall health and vitality.

Embrace the divine energies of the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala and experience its transformative effects on your spiritual journey.


हमारे द्वारा 108 रुद्राक्ष की माला (7 मुखी) शुद्ध करने के बाद अभिमंत्रित करके दी जाती है

प्रेषण अवधि

किसी भी सामग्री को अभिमंत्रित करने में 2 दिन का समय लग सकता है, इस वजह से सामग्री आर्डर प्राप्ति से 2 दिन बाद याने तीसरे दिन कोरियर द्वारा भेजी जाएगी एवं उसकी सुचना कोरियर रसीद के साथ आपको मेसेज, व्हाट्सएप्प या कॉल पर देदी जाएगी ।

सामग्री हेतु अस्वीकरण अनुरोध

हमारी तरफ से सामग्रियाँ पूर्णतः शुद्ध और ऊर्जान्वित ( अभिमंत्रित ) करके दी जाती है, उनका परिणाम व्यक्ति की भावना, उद्देश्य एवं सदउपयोग पर निर्भर करता है। 100 में से 99 लोगो को इसका अच्छा परिणाम मिलता है, अपितु किसी 1 को नहीं भी मिल पाता, व्यक्ति किस उद्देश्य या भावना से इसका उपयोग करना चाहता है, यह उसकी नीयत, गृह दशाएं, भाग्य, एवं प्रारब्ध पर निर्भर करता है। यदि उद्देश्य या भावना सही नहीं है और प्रकृति या भगवान की मर्जी किसी काम में नहीं रहती, तो इसका परिणाम नहीं भी मिल पाता । हमारी तरफ से सामग्री को ऊर्जान्वित करने में कोई कमी नहीं रहती, व इसका सकारात्मक परिणाम मिलना ना मिलना ये भगवान के हाथ में है, हम केवल भगवान के सेवक मात्र है स्वयं भगवान नहीं, कर्म करना हमारा काम है फल देना भगवान के हाथ में है, कोई भी सामग्री या वस्तु केवल आपकी सहायता मात्र है पूर्णतः सामग्रियों और उपायों के अधीन ना रहें, धन्यवाद।


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