Safed Vaijayanti Mala (सफ़ेद वैजयंती माला) Abhimantrit


The Safed Vaijayanti Mala, consisting of 108 beads made from the seeds of the Safed Vaijayanti plant, holds profound significance in Hindu spirituality. These beads, derived from the White Coral Tree (Mesua ferrea), are revered for their spiritual properties and are integral to traditional prayers and rituals. Before using the mala, it is customary to purify it, ensuring its readiness for sacred practice. During meditation or mantra recitation, the mala serves as a tool to deepen spiritual connections and enhance focus and concentration. It is believed to offer protection from negative energies and evil forces, serving as a symbol of spiritual strength and resilience. Additionally, the Safed Vaijayanti seeds are associated with healing properties, promoting physical and emotional well-being. The mala is often employed in prayers, rituals, and ceremonies to invoke blessings and express devotion to deities. The Abhimantrit Safed Vaijayanti VaijayantiMala undergoes a sacred ritual where mantras and prayers are chanted to infuse divine energy, enhancing its spiritual potency. Through sincere dedication and reverence, the Safed Vejayanti Mala becomes a conduit for spiritual growth, enlightenment, and the manifestation of divine blessings in one’s life.

Safed Vaijayanti Mala

Product Name: Safed Vaijayanti Mala (108 Beads)

Safed Vaijayanti Mala is made from the seeds of the Safed Vaijayanti plant, also known as White Coral Tree (Mesua ferrea). Each mala typically consists of 108 beads and holds special significance in Hindu culture for its spiritual properties and traditional use in prayers and rituals.

Abhimantrit Safed Vaijayanti Mala: Abhimantrit Safed Vaijayanti Mala,  It undergoes a sacred ritual known as “abhimantran,” where mantras and prayers are chanted by spiritual practitioners to infuse divine energy into the mala. This process enhances its spiritual potency, making it more effective for meditation and spiritual practices.

How to Use it?

  1. Purification: Before using the  Mala, purify it by gently wiping the beads with a damp cloth or by exposing them to sunlight.
  2. Mantra Chanting: Hold the mala in your right hand, starting from the bead next to the Guru bead (the larger bead at the center). Recite your chosen mantra or prayers while moving from one bead to the next using your thumb.
  3. Counting: Each bead represents a repetition of the mantra. Continue until you have completed 108 repetitions, reaching the Guru bead again.

Mantra to Use this Mala: While using the Safed Vaijayanti Mala, chant the “Om Hreem Namah Shivaya” mantra, dedicated to Lord Shiva. This powerful mantra invokes divine blessings and aids in spiritual growth and protection.


  1. Hold the Abhimantrit Safed Vaijayanti Mala in your right hand.
  2. Start at the bead next to the Guru bead (the larger bead at the center).
  3. Recite the mantra “Om Hreem Namah Shivaya” while moving from one bead to the next using your thumb.
  4. Continue chanting until you have completed 108 repetitions, reaching the Guru bead again.


  1. Spiritual Connection: This Mala is believed to deepen spiritual connections and enhance meditation practices, aiding in spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  2. Protection: It is considered to offer protection from negative energies and evil forces, acting as a talisman of spiritual strength.
  3. Focus and Concentration: Using the mala during mantra chanting or meditation helps in maintaining focus and concentration, facilitating a deeper state of mindfulness.
  4. Healing: Some traditions attribute healing properties to the Safed Vaijayanti seeds, promoting physical and emotional well-being.
  5. Prayer and Ritual: The Mala is often used in prayers, rituals, and ceremonies to invoke blessings and offer devotion to deities.

Note: Treat the Abhimantrit Mala with respect and store it in a clean, sacred place when not in use to maintain its spiritual energy.


हमारे द्वारा 108 सफ़ेद वैजयंती माला माला शुद्ध करने के बाद अभिमंत्रित करके दी जाती है

प्रेषण अवधि

किसी भी सामग्री को अभिमंत्रित करने में 2 दिन का समय लग सकता है, इस वजह से सामग्री आर्डर प्राप्ति से 2 दिन बाद याने तीसरे दिन कोरियर द्वारा भेजी जाएगी एवं उसकी सुचना कोरियर रसीद के साथ आपको मेसेज, व्हाट्सएप्प या कॉल पर देदी जाएगी ।

सामग्री हेतु अस्वीकरण अनुरोध

हमारी तरफ से सामग्रियाँ पूर्णतः शुद्ध और ऊर्जान्वित ( अभिमंत्रित ) करके दी जाती है, उनका परिणाम व्यक्ति की भावना, उद्देश्य एवं सदउपयोग पर निर्भर करता है। 100 में से 99 लोगो को इसका अच्छा परिणाम मिलता है, अपितु किसी 1 को नहीं भी मिल पाता, व्यक्ति किस उद्देश्य या भावना से इसका उपयोग करना चाहता है, यह उसकी नीयत, गृह दशाएं, भाग्य, एवं प्रारब्ध पर निर्भर करता है। यदि उद्देश्य या भावना सही नहीं है और प्रकृति या भगवान की मर्जी किसी काम में नहीं रहती, तो इसका परिणाम नहीं भी मिल पाता । हमारी तरफ से सामग्री को ऊर्जान्वित करने में कोई कमी नहीं रहती, व इसका सकारात्मक परिणाम मिलना ना मिलना ये भगवान के हाथ में है, हम केवल भगवान के सेवक मात्र है स्वयं भगवान नहीं, कर्म करना हमारा काम है फल देना भगवान के हाथ में है, कोई भी सामग्री या वस्तु केवल आपकी सहायता मात्र है पूर्णतः सामग्रियों और उपायों के अधीन ना रहें, धन्यवाद।


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