Lawa Stone Mala Abhimantrit


Immerse yourself in a profound spiritual journey with the Abhimantrit Lawa Stone Mala. Crafted from Lawa stones, these natural volcanic rocks are renowned for their grounding properties and connection to the Earth’s energies. Through sacred rituals and invocations, each bead of this mala is infused with divine energy, amplifying its spiritual potency.

Using the Lawa Stone Mala is a transformative experience. Hold it in your hand as you recite the sacred “Om Mani Padme Hum” mantra, allowing the vibrations to resonate deep within your being. With each repetition, you feel grounded, protected, and aligned with the primal forces of nature.

This mala serves as more than just a tool for meditation; it becomes a companion on your spiritual journey, guiding you through life’s transitions and challenges with resilience and grace. It offers a sense of stability amidst uncertainty and fosters a profound connection to the natural world around you.

As you embark on this sacred path, let the Abhimantrit Lawa Stone Mala be your anchor, your shield, and your source of strength. With its divine energy and your devoted practice, you can cultivate inner peace, spiritual growth, and profound transformation.

Lawa Stone Mala

Product Name: Lawa Stone Mala (108 Beads)

Lawa Stone Mala is made from Lawa stones, which are natural volcanic rocks found in certain regions. Each mala typically consists of 108 beads and is esteemed for its grounding properties and connection to the Earth’s energies.

Abhimantrit Lawa Stone Mala: Abhimantrit Lawa Stone Mala,  It undergoes a sacred ritual known as “abhimantran,” where mantras and prayers are chanted by spiritual practitioners to infuse divine energy into the mala. This process enhances its grounding properties and connection to the Earth’s energies, making it more effective for meditation and spiritual practices.

How to Use it?

  1. Purification: Before using the Mala, cleanse it by washing the beads with water and drying them in sunlight.
  2. Mantra Chanting: Hold the mala in your right hand, starting from the bead next to the Guru bead (the larger bead at the center). Recite your chosen mantra or prayers while moving from one bead to the next using your thumb.
  3. Counting: Each bead represents a repetition of the mantra. Continue until you have completed 108 repetitions, reaching the Guru bead again.

Mantra to Use this Mala: While using the Lawa Stone Mala, chant the “Om Mani Padme Hum” mantra, which embodies compassion and wisdom. This mantra aligns with the grounding energies of Lawa stones, fostering stability and spiritual growth.


  1. Hold the Mala in your right hand.
  2. Start at the bead next to the Guru bead (the larger bead at the center).
  3. Recite the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” while moving from one bead to the next using your thumb.
  4. Continue chanting until you have completed 108 repetitions, reaching the Guru bead again.


  1. Grounding: This Mala is prized for its grounding properties, helping to anchor one’s energy and promote stability in times of change or uncertainty.
  2. Connection to Nature: Being formed from volcanic rocks, Lawa stones are believed to carry the primal energies of the Earth, fostering a deeper connection to nature and the elements.
  3. Protection: The mala is thought to offer protection from negative energies and psychic attacks, creating a shield of spiritual strength around the wearer.
  4. Spiritual Growth: By aligning with the Earth’s energies, This Mala supports spiritual growth and inner transformation, encouraging resilience and self-discovery.
  5. Meditation Aid: Using the mala during meditation enhances focus and concentration, facilitating a deeper state of relaxation and mindfulness.

Note: Treat the Lawa Stone Mala with care and reverence, as it is a sacred object that holds profound spiritual significance. Store it in a clean and sacred space when not in use to maintain its energetic purity.


हमारे द्वारा 108 लावा स्टोन माला शुद्ध करने के बाद अभिमंत्रित करके दी जाती है

प्रेषण अवधि

किसी भी सामग्री को अभिमंत्रित करने में 2 दिन का समय लग सकता है, इस वजह से सामग्री आर्डर प्राप्ति से 2 दिन बाद याने तीसरे दिन कोरियर द्वारा भेजी जाएगी एवं उसकी सुचना कोरियर रसीद के साथ आपको मेसेज, व्हाट्सएप्प या कॉल पर देदी जाएगी ।

सामग्री हेतु अस्वीकरण अनुरोध

हमारी तरफ से सामग्रियाँ पूर्णतः शुद्ध और ऊर्जान्वित ( अभिमंत्रित ) करके दी जाती है, उनका परिणाम व्यक्ति की भावना, उद्देश्य एवं सदउपयोग पर निर्भर करता है। 100 में से 99 लोगो को इसका अच्छा परिणाम मिलता है, अपितु किसी 1 को नहीं भी मिल पाता, व्यक्ति किस उद्देश्य या भावना से इसका उपयोग करना चाहता है, यह उसकी नीयत, गृह दशाएं, भाग्य, एवं प्रारब्ध पर निर्भर करता है। यदि उद्देश्य या भावना सही नहीं है और प्रकृति या भगवान की मर्जी किसी काम में नहीं रहती, तो इसका परिणाम नहीं भी मिल पाता । हमारी तरफ से सामग्री को ऊर्जान्वित करने में कोई कमी नहीं रहती, व इसका सकारात्मक परिणाम मिलना ना मिलना ये भगवान के हाथ में है, हम केवल भगवान के सेवक मात्र है स्वयं भगवान नहीं, कर्म करना हमारा काम है फल देना भगवान के हाथ में है, कोई भी सामग्री या वस्तु केवल आपकी सहायता मात्र है पूर्णतः सामग्रियों और उपायों के अधीन ना रहें, धन्यवाद।


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